Sunday, December 11, 2011


Mr. Instrumentalist
(Nick Jones)
Recording Artist, Film Composer, Television Reporter

By Regina Swarn

Let me get right to it.  A  friend sent me the music of this amazing artist and she asked me to check him out.  I'm always excited upon receiving new music and material to listen to.  On a weekly basis I get dozens of videos and music in my mail or email to check out or just to enjoy.  This artist does it all!  Aside from making some of the best music in the world, he also composes films and is a television reporter.  He's an extraordinary artist!

I'm sitting here right now enjoying his music video "Blues Jazz from Austin Texas".  What a powerful sound!  I would like to call the music of Nick Jones "Good Vibes Music" (soothing, calming, a great way to relax your mind).  It's like getting a really good massage when you hear it.  He also composes music that makes you want to get up and dance and music that makes you think.

To sum it up, his music comes straight from the soul.  I always appreciate music that comes from a person's soul because I know it is real and has great meaning.  I invite you to check out this artist for yourself.  I love the fact that I can recommend an artist or musician to you and you check them out, but I would like for you to  stop by online and indulge yourself in the great sounds of Mr. Instrumentalist.  I know good music when I hear it and his music goes a step further.  The music is great because it's pure relaxation for the mind, body, and soul.

He's an artist I would like to work with and whenever I visit Texas again I will look him up.  I have to meet this musical genius!  Please put your support behind him.  Purchase his music and if you're fortunate enough please catch one of his live shows.

What a great blessing you are to so many Nick.  I wish you all the best and bid you Godspeed.  Thanks for sharing your music with us.  You're Great!!

           BIOGRAPHY by Mr. INSTRUMENTALIST                                           


I am a composer of jazz, classical, funk, hip hop, rock, blues, cinematic and other forms of music.

It is the blending of these styles combined with my love of everything positive and beautiful that defines my sound. 
To me,  music is more than just chords and scales but it is my feelings and my soul that i put in every note.

Contrary to those that write music based on the trend of the
day, I play what I feel. In this way the notes are a lesson between 
my heart and your ears.  My music is intended to make you feel good about yourself and my goal is to put a smile on your face. I am a believer in friendships and I truly value those that support my dream of bringing my music to each and everyone that enjoys
it enough to show support for my work.

Yours very truly

Mr Instrumentalist (Music is life and life is music).

                           CHECKOUT  THIS HOT VIDEO BELOW




Sunday, November 27, 2011



 By Regina Swarn

 The impressive bio of this talented artist says it all, so I won't waste any time going over it again .  When you read it you can see for yourself all the great things this very talented artist has achieved with his music.  I do think however, I need to write about what I feel when I hear his amazing music.  Sitting in my home office, all I needed to do was play the music of Riccardo D' Avino.  I decided to listen to some tracks from his new ep "Fuggire E  Ritornare."  Once the music started, I felt the most amazing feeling come over me.  His voice is very convincing.  He write songs that you can relate to.  


When you listen to his music you feel what he's saying in each song.  I remember the very first time that I heard a song by Riccardo.  I'll admit that it was like playing a song I wrote myself.  He's that kind of artist!  He sings and writes with feeling and lots of heart and soul.  That's what draws you to his music.

I try so hard not to pick a favorite song when I listen to an artist or a band, but I always end up choosing one.  My personal favorite from this EP is "Due o tre cose so di te."  This song also has a hot video to go along with it.  The video for this song is also one of the top videos at my films network.  I feel the heart and soul of Riccardo throughout this track and he sings with so much soul.  His voice is perfect, not only on this track, but throughout the entire EP.  I highly recommend his music to the world.  


Riccardo is both serious and passionate about his music, and I only see greater things in store for his future.  I just added his name to one of the top artist that I would like to see live in concert.  Reflections  of the song "Due o tre cose che so di te" is still ringing in my mind, so I find myself singing along with it.

If you would like to visit Riccardo D' Avino online, please follow the links below.  If you would like to support this great artist, please purchase his music.  I said it once and I'll say it again, "I recommend his music to you....The World!  Enjoy!!


 Riccardo D’Avino è un cantautore proveniente da Rivoli, cittadina alle porte di Torino. Dopo varie esperienze in gruppi musicali della zona, decide a fine 2008 di intraprendere un cammino in veste solista. Registra subito un demo intitolato “New Day” (autoprodotto) e nel frattempo inizia a fare alcuni concerti da solo. Non contento, registra pochi mesi dopo l’ep “Fuggire e ritornare”, anch’esso autoprodotto e pubblicato nel giugno del 2009. Questo lavoro è decisamente superiore rispetto al precedente: registrato e mixato da Francesco Saglietti (arrangiatore e fonico live di diverse bands tra cui i Goddass), contiene quattro brani e vanta la produzione artistica dello stesso Saglietti e del mastering di Alessandro Vanara (già conosciuto per i suoi lavori sui dischi di Al Bano e Melody Fall).

Nel settembre 2010 il cantautore incontra Guido De Gaetano, proprietario dell'etichetta Can Can Music Publishing, già autore e arrangiatore per artisti del calibro di Samuele Bersani e Tricarico, oltre che compositore di colonne sonore per film come “Ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo” (regia di Leonardo Pieraccioni) e “Padre Pio” (film di animazione diretto da Orlando Corradi). Il produttore bolognese, convinto delle potenzialità di Riccardo, decide di metterlo sotto contratto.

L’ep “Fuggire e ritornare” viene così ripubblicato dall’etichetta e messo in distribuzione digitale su iTunes (dove rimane per ben tre settimane in testa alla classifica dei download nel gennaio 2011) e sui maggiori digital stores in tutto il mondo. Viene inoltre realizzato un videoclip per il singolo “Due o tre cose che so di te”. Le canzoni di questo ep raggiungono anche le radio nazionali e regionali, tra cui Isoradio, LatteMiele, Punto Radio, Radio Città Del Capo e molte altre.

Attualmente Riccardo sta partecipando a diversi concorsi e suonando nei locali in giro per l’Italia. E’ inoltre in fase di lavorazione il suo primo album, la cui uscita è prevista nella primavera del 2012.

Il cantautore recentemente è diventato anche autore per altri cantanti, tra cui il cantautore emiliano Massimo Gallazzi, e per alcune manifestazioni ed associazioni musicali, come "La voce di Reggio Calabria".

Nel corso della sua attività, Riccardo D’Avino ha suonato in molti locali torinesi, tra cui Hiroshima Mon Amour, United Club, Maison Musique, Soundfactory, Padiglione 14. Ha inoltre partecipato a diversi concorsi e festival, tra cui Tour Music Fest, Premio Augusto Daolio (semifinalista in entrambi), Colonia Sonora, Aspettando Musicomio, Festival di Saint Vincent (finalista), Radio Tour Festival, Anime di Carta e Greenage Festival

Biografia per date:

2004-2005: Riccardo fonda due gruppi che avranno vita breve: i Soul weapon e i Trace of the tear. Entrambi i gruppi si scioglieranno dopo pochi mesi e senza ottenere grandi risultati.

2006: fonda il gruppo Ceneri del nulla, trio grazie al quale avrà modo di fare diversi concerti e di vincere la partecipazione alla manifestazione “Censimento rock”, svoltasi in Piazza Martiri della Libertà a Rivoli (TO). A ottobre dello stesso anno, la band cambierà nome in Krill has gone.

Successivamente, la band incide il suo primo ep (intitolato “Prendi la tua vita”) e riprende la sua già ampia attività live.

2007: con i Krill has gone vince la partecipazione alla compilation “Hit the center”, nella quale verrà pubblicata la loro canzone “Lo devi soltanto fare”. La compilation vanta la presenza di Madaski e dei Persiana Jones con due loro inediti.

Nell’estate dello stesso anno, Riccardo entra a far parte di un altro gruppo, The Snatch, in veste di chitarrista. La band suonerà a luglio sul palco del noto festival estivo di interesse nazionale “Colonia sonora”.

A fine anno, i Krill has gone entrano nuovamente in studio per incidere un nuovo ep, che verrà intitolato “Leave your sign”. E’ il primo disco della band a contenere un brano cantato in inglese, ovvero proprio “Leave your sign”, canzone che da il titolo all’ep.

2008:  sempre con i Krill has gone vince il concorso “Free recording session”, organizzato dallo studio di registrazione Blacklite studio. Il gruppo ha diritto alla registrazione di due brani al suo interno.

Nell’autunno i Krill has gone si sciolgono e Riccardo inizia la sua carriera solista. A novembre dello stesso anno, registra in pochi giorni “New day”, piccolo ep acustico dal titolo emblematico e contenente 4 inediti.

A dicembre dello stesso anno è finalista del “Premio Augusto Daolio”, concorso organizzato dai Nomadi in memoria del loro storico cantante (scomparso nel 1992) in collaborazione con l’associazione “Augusto per la vita” e con ospiti speciali del calibro de Le Orme e Piji.

2009: Partecipa a diversi concorsi, tra cui “Tour music fest”, “Greenage festival”, “Aspettando Musicomio” e “Suoni giovani”.  La sua attività live è inoltre molto proficua, sia in acustico che accompagnato da musicisti.

A marzo iniziano le registrazioni dell’ep “Fuggire e ritornare”, che verrà pubblicato a Giugno. L’ep viene registrato e mixato da Francesco Saglietti (musicista, arrangiatore e fonico live molto apprezzato nel panorama torinese per aver suonato nei Radiostar e per esser stato arrangiatore e fonico dei Goddass). Il mastering è invece affidato ad Alessandro Vanara (tecnico di fama nazionale, conosciuto per aver lavorato ai mastering di artisti come Al Bano, La Differenza, Dari e Melody Fall). L’ep contiene quattro nuovi brani. Tutti gli strumenti verranno suonati da Riccardo e da Francesco Saglietti. Quest’ultimo aiuta anche il cantautore negli arrangiamenti.

2010: prosegue l’intensa attività live di Riccardo, che, affiancato dell’amico e bravo polistrumentista Daniel Bestonzo (già turnista per Andrea Mirò, Ivan Cattaneo e Marco Carta), suona nei locali di tutto il nord Italia.

Partecipa ad altri concorsi: “Premio Augusto Daolio/Dante Pergreffi” (organizzato dai Nomadi in memoria Di Augusto Daolio e Dante Pergreffi, bassista della band di Novellara), e “Greenage festival” per la seconda volta.

Nell’ottobre dello stesso anno invia il suo materiale all’etichetta discografica bolognese Can Can Music Publishing. Il produttore Guido De Gaetano (e proprietario dell’etichetta) è colpito dalle canzoni del cantautore e decide di metterlo sotto contratto.

L’ep “Fuggire e ritornare” viene ripubblicato e messo in distribuzione digitale su iTunes (dove rimane per ben tre settimane in testa alla classifica dei download nel gennaio 2011) e sui maggiori digital stores in tutto il mondo. Viene inoltre realizzato un videoclip per il singolo “Due o tre cose che so di te”.

2011: Le canzoni dell’ep “Fuggire e ritornare” raggiungono anche le radio nazionali e regionali, tra cui Isoradio, LatteMiele, Punto Radio, Radio Città Del Capo e molte altre.

Riccardo è finalista del Festival di Saint-Vincent e, in quanto tale, accede all’Accademia di Saint’-Vincent, seminario che vanta la presenza di Fabrizio Palma, Luca Pitteri, Gabriella Scalise e Grazia Di Michele in qualità di insegnanti.

Partecipa inoltre a diversi concorsi e contest, tra cui “Anime di Carta”, “Radio tour festival” e  “Promo di Ciao Radio”, quest'ultimo vinto. Riccardo riceve un'intervista su Ciao Radio come premio.

Grazie al supporto dell’etichetta, le sue canzoni entrano in rotazione in diverse radio italiane nel corso della trasmissione “Discografica”.

Il cantautore recentemente è diventato anche autore per altri cantanti, tra cui il piacentino Massimo Gallazzi, e per alcune manifestazioni ed associazioni musicali, tra le quali spicca “La voce di Reggio Calabria” di Elisa Foti.


Riccardo D'Avino is a singer/songwriter from Rivoli, a town on the outskirts of Turin, Italy. After various experiences in bands in the area, decided in late 2008 to embark on a journey as soloist. Register a demo titled "New Day" (self-released) and meanwhile begins to do some solo concerts. Not happy, records a few months after the ep “Fuggire e ritornare” ("Escape and return"), which is self-produced and released in June 2009. This job is definitely higher than the previous: recorded and mixed by Francesco Saglietti (arranger and live sound engineer for several bands including Goddass), contains four songs with the same artistic production and mastering by Alessandro Vanara (already known for his work on the discs of Al Bano and Melody Fall). 

In September 2010 the songwriter meets Guido De Gaetano, owner of the label Can Can Music Publishing, author and arranger for the likes of Samuele Bersani and Tricarico, composer of soundtracks for films like "Ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo" (“I love you in all languages of the world”, directed by Leonardo Pieraccioni) and "Padre Pio" (animated film directed by Orlando Corradi).

The Bolognese productor, convinced of the potential of Riccardo, decides to put him under contract.   The ep "Fuggire e ritornare" is reissued by the label and put into digital distribution on iTunes (where he stayed for three weeks at the top of the download in January 2011) and on major digital stores around the world. It also made a music video for the single “Due o tre cosec he so di te” ("two or three things I know about you"). The songs on this ep reached also national and regional radio stations, including Isoradio, LatteMiele, Punto Radio, Radio Cape Town and many others.  Riccardo is currently participating in different contests and playing in clubs all around Italy. It is also being working his first album, whose release is expected in the spring of 2012.  The songwriter has recently become the author for other singers, including songwriter Massimo Gallazzi from Piacenza, and for some festivals and musical associations, such as "the voice of Reggio Calabria, owned by Elisa Foti.

During his career, Riccardo D'Avino has performed in many venues in Turin, including Hiroshima Mon Amour, United Club, Maison Musique, Soundfactory, Padiglione 14. He also participated in several competitions and festivals, including Tour Music Fest, Premio Augusto Daolio (being a Semifinalist in both), Colonia Sonora, Aspettando Musicomio, Saint Vincent Festival (finalist), Radio Tour Festival, Anime di Carta and Greenage Festival.

Biography to date:

2004-2005: Riccardo founded two groups who will be short-lived: Soul weapon and Trace of the tear. Both groups will melt away after a few months without getting great results.

2006: he founded the band Ceneri del nulla (Ashes of nothingness), trio which will make several concerts and win a place in the exhibition "Censimento rock", held in Piazza Martiri della Libertà in Rivoli (TO). In October of that year, the band changed name to Krill has gone.  Subsequently, the band recorded its first ep, “Prendi la tua vita” ("take your life"), and resumes its already wide activities live. 

2007: with Krill has gone wins participation in compilation "Hit the center", which will released their song “Lo devi soltanto fare” ("You must only do it"). The compilation has the presence of Madaski and Persiana Jones with two unreleased songs.

In the summer of that year, Riccardo becomes part of another group, The Snatch, as guitarist. The band will perform on stage in July of the well-known summer festival of national interest "Colonia sonora".

At the end of the year, the Krill has gone come back into the studio to record a new ep, titled "Leave your sign". It is the first album to contain a song sung in English, "Leave your sign", song from the ep title. 

2008: always with Krill has gone wins the contest "Free recording session", organized by Blacklite recording studio. The group is entitled to registration of two tracks on the inside.

In autumn Krill has gone disband and Riccardo begins his solo career. 

In November of the same year, records in a few days "New day", a small acoustic ep which title is emblematic, containing 4 new songs.

In December of that year's finalist of "Premio Augusto Daolio", contest organized by italian band Nomadi in memory of their vocalist (who died in 1992) in collaboration with the Association “Augusto per la vita” ("Augusto for life") and with special guests like Piji and Le Orme. 

2009: participates in several competitions, including "Tour music fest", "Greenage festival", "waiting for Musicomio" and "Suoni giovani".  His live activity is also very successful, both alone with his acoustic guitar that accompanied by musicians. March to begin the recordings from the ep "Fuggire e ritornare," which will be published in June. The ep was recorded and mixed by Francesco Saglietti (musician, arranger and sound engineer much appreciated in Turin for having played at Radiostar and to have been arrangiator and sound engineer for metal band Goddass). The mastering is instead given to Alessandro Vanara (mastering engineer with national reputation, known for having worked for artists such as Al Bano, La differenza, Dari and Melody Fall). The ep contains four new tracks. All instruments are played by Riccardo and Francesco Saglietti. The latter also helps the songwriter in the arrangements.


2010: continues the intense live activity of Riccardo, who, along with friend and talented multi-instrumentalist Daniel Bestonzo (already working for Andrea Mirò, Ivan Cattaneo and Marco Carta), plays in all North Italy.
Participates in other competitions: "Premio Augusto Daolio/Dante Pergreffi" (organized by NomadI in memory of Augusto Daolio and Dante Pergreffi, bassist of the band from Novellara), and "Greenage festival” for the second time.
In October of that year, Riccardo sends his material to the bolognese record label Can Can Music Publishing. Producer Guido De Gaetano (and label owner) is struck by the songs of Riccardo and decides to put him under contract.  The ep “Fuggire e ritornare" is republished and placed in digital distribution on iTunes (where it stayed for three weeks at the top of the download chart in January 2011) and on biggest digital stores around the world. It also has been made a music video for the single "Due o tre cose che so di te".  
2011: songs from the ep "Fuggire e ritornare" also reached national and regional radios, including Isoradio, LatteMiele, Punto Radio, Radio Città del Capo and many others.
Riccardo is a finalist for the Festival of Saint-Vincent and, as such, access to the Academy of Saint-Vincent, seminar boasting the presence of Fabrizio Palma, Luca Pitteri, Gabriella Scalise and Grazia Di Michele as acting teachers.  It also participates in various competitions and contests, including "Anime di Carta”, "Radio tour festival" and "Promo".  

Thanks to the support of the label, his songs are in rotation on several Italian radio during the radio transmission "Discografica".   The songwriter has recently become author for other singers, including Massimo Gallazzi from Piacenza, and for some festivals and musical associations, among which "the voice of Reggio Calabria" by Elisa Foti.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


Wild Rose


George "Captain" Bitzios (Lead Vocals)

Andy "Rock" Pegios (Guitars,back vocals)

John "Jiosby" Bitzios (Lead Guitars,back vocals)

"Dirty" Haris Patsos (Keyboards,back vocals)

Phill "Gun" Sakaloglou (Bass)

Current Location
Evosmos - Greece

General Manager

Chris Siloma
Booking Agent
Chris Siloma

Press Contact


Wild Rose original idea was sprung in 2004 by Andy Rock. In the original composition, due to the

impossibility of finding musicians who could support this style of music band, the line-up didn’t remain

stable for long and it took a lot of time to create a mellow sound of an AOR band. After trying for two years,

and after continuous changes in composition, Wild Rose reached a basic line-up, which was introduced in

2006 to the audience with songs composed by Andy Rock. In 2007 Wild Rose released their first promo cd

entitled "It's all about love" which contained the homonymous title track and "Too Late", a track rapidly

accepted and loved by the audience of AOR. In mid-2009 the band came up with a demo cd, which contained

10 songs: 1) That Girl, 2) Too Late, 3) It's all about Love, 4) Hold me, 5) Dream on, 6) If you still love me, 7) I

don't know, 8) Goodbye, 9) Want you back, 10) Straight to my heart with the main author Andy Rock and

secondary Dirty Haris Patsos. 2011, and the Wild Rose songs, having matured through rehearsals, have been

recorded professionaly this time to produce the debut album with the title "Half Past Midnight". And the

story keeps on rockin’…


                                                                   by Regina Swarn

I'm often asked, "Is there any music you don't like or is there any band or artist that you would rate not so good?  I guess it bothers some people and critics why I always seem to find something positive or great to say about a band or artist in my stories.  First of all I only spotlight and showcase the music that I'm very passionate about and after hearing the band or artist  a few times I automatically know what moves me.  I feature artists that rock my very soul and that makes me happy.  When that happens I want to share their music with the world. 

That brings me to my spotlight band this month, WildRose.  Sitting on my patio I decided to play some music by this spectacular band.  I feel better when I'm in a quiet place because that is when I really let my musical imagination flow.  I felt something very special the first time I listened to WildRose.  George Captain Bitzios sings with so much power.  He has a voice that reminisce the rock singers from the past (Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Europe, just to name a few).  I was into this great music from the very start.  It was like listening to my favorite bands from an era when music was all about having fun.  I was also very impressed with the great production of Andy Rock.  His talent shines through in every song on the CD.
So now the big question, "Do I have a favorite track from this new CD Half Past Midnight, out now on Retrospect Records?"  I have to admit each song delivers it's own personal flavor so it's very hard to pick just one favorite track from this CD, but I did play "Another Shot" and "Goodbye" many times and loved them more with every listen.  You are in for a special treat with this new CD by WildRose. This band is like a breath of fresh air and this CD is great and worth buying, so invest in your own personal copy today.  There are eleven power packed songs rocking your soul to it's core.

VISIT WildRose Online

Official  Website 


Checkout some great interviews by WildRose

Interview at Berock Minizine done by : 

Snake Eyes
For BeRock Radio MiniZine (2011)



Listen to the music of WildRose on many of your favorite radio stations online & around the world & right here at the most melodic place Berock Online Radio Station

Debut album "Half Past Midnight" release date  Oct. 1st  2011

by Retrospect Records.

*A big thanks to WildRose and their record company and management team for allowing me to do this spotlight story this month.* Thank you Chris Siloma, Andy Rock & all the great band members of WildRose & thanks for sharing your great story with me & the world!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Redrum is a melodic Hard Rock Band based in Thessaloniki (Greece).
Athan 'Lyssa' Kazakis and Panos Baxevanis started the project in September of 2003 and one year later they recorded 12 songs in a local studio.
After getting in touch with the
well known German Vocalist Michael Bormann, they΄d sent the material to Duisburg, where Michael recorded all the vocal parts and co-write a couple of the songs.
Unfortunately because of some line-up changes they had to re-record all the drums(Thanos Sarketzis) and bass(Vassilios Topalides) parts.
The mix then took place in Michael΄s “RMB – studios”, where Panos, Athan and Michael finally completed
“No turning back”. In these first four years of existence, besides their headliner shows,
they supported also a lot of well known bands like
Bonfire, Tyketto, Krokus, Danger Danger, House Of Lords,
Adlers Apetite, Blue Tears, Europe, Robert Plant and Glenn Hughes.
They appeared on festivals like “Firefest” and Rockwave in Athens.
REDRUM is the only band in “Rockwave΄s” history, who has played
without having any discography.

                                                                                         By  REGINA SWARN

I was casually relaxing in my home office and doing some work at my website about a month ago when I saw this video in my email message box.  I normally get lots of music and videos from many artists and bands so I tend to check my mailbox quite often.  I was going to wait until the next day to check out all the music and videos that is sent to me so that I would have the time to give each one my undivided attention.  I get dozens of videos and music sent to me either by mail or email for review on a daily basis.  Most of the time I'll wait until the weekend (Saturday) so that I can give the entire day to just listen to all music sent to me from the bands, artists, or their managers to get my review or a simple opinion.

When I got the video by RedRum I decided to play it.  There was something about the picture on the cover of the video that made me listen to this band right away.  The picture reminded me of Classic Rock and Metal that I loved so much.  I didn't hesitate to hit the play button, and the rest as they say, was history.  The music coming from this video blew me away.  I stopped everything that I was doing to hear this powerful rock and roll song.  Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.  I just kept saying, Oh my God, Oh my God, is this happening to me?  So I played it once again and the feeling grew stronger.  It was at that point that I knew this was something mega.  Something major.  This song is a hit and the band is great.  I played the song about seven more times back to back and still wanted more.

I had to say that because this is how I first heard of the band RedRum just a month ago and since then I've become one of their biggest fans.  Rock and Roll music at it's very best with the powerful vocals of Michael Borman, Athan Lyssa Kazakis and Panos Baxevanis on guitars, Vassilios Topalides on bass, and Thanos Sarketzis on drums.  I'm writing about this band because I wanted the world to know how their music affected me the very first time that I heard it and how blessed I am to have found a band that brings that good ole Rock and Roll back.  It's the kind that I grew up with.  Hard and Heavy, yet still very melodic.
                                       I still can't sit still when a RedRum song is playing.  This music is like a Rock and Roll explosion that's so powerful.  Every song by this band is great and stays in your mind.  You find yourself singing the song long after the music has stopped playing.  
                                                 A message to the world:  Please check out this great band from Thessaloniki (Greece) and let them take you down a memory lane to the great Rock and Roll you've known and loved. My message to the band RedRum:  Thank you so much for touching me with your great brand of Rock and Roll, the kind that I grew up with and  always loved.  Thank You! Thank You!  
                                                                        I  LOVE  REDRUM

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Back from the US where he spent 12 years playing with great musicians from New York and New Jersey, Freddy Mazzucco( Guitars, songwriting & production) decided to return to the French Riviera and form his own band. He met rock vocalist Nathalie Pellissier, bass player, Christophe Canto and drummer Rob Hirons together they are ISIS CHILD. Their first album “Ailleurs” was recorded in 2008.

A year later at Noise Factory Studio in Belgium, ISIS CHILD recorded their first English album called “Strange Days”. This album will features 12 songs, with Bass player Alain Rinallo, Mathias Lecoubiac and Hugo Adam, drums, David Zecca and Chris Drouin, Keyboards, Robert Geoffroy and Julien Spreutels, Magali Luyten ( Great vocals coaching + Background vocals on the song "stop looking down on me") And Alex From the band "Orion"( Background vocals on the song "even if") . 

The recording is done by the great engineer and owner of the studio Noise Factory (Belgium), Gerald Jans (He’s a genius!) and the mixing and mastering is done by The maestro Pelle Saether, singer from the band “Grand Design” and owner of the studio “Underground” in Sweden. The cover and booklet will be done by our great friend Mike Lombard (another genius and great musician) The album should be released around Fall 2011 Stay tuned.


                                 Nathalie Pellissier

                                     Freddy Mazzucco